Thursday, July 23, 2009


No updates at this time.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Looking into it

I received a phone call yesterday while at work. The phone call was from my employer's St. Louis division (a division that is hungry for work and who has an EXTREMELY ambitious VP of Operations)...

I was offered a position on a $62mil project in SC, but after discussion with Tara, we decided that it was maybe not the best place for us. This particular project was going to be overseen by this particular VP. Now, in my industry, it is very difficult to know where and when your next project will be. In most instances, contractors do not specify or promise that you will get a particular job because they are afraid that you will loose focus on the task/project at hand-almost like getting 'Senioritis'.

The St. Louis division estimator called me and asked if I would assist the office with compiling a bid list due to my familiarity with the Tinker subcontractor market. I agreed, but I soon started to wonder if this was simply another political chest match between divisions (St. Louis doing a joint venture with the Dallas division). This drama concern made me wonder if I was going to be "used" and "abused" and simply forgotten. In my eyes, when you have a PM in position to do the work in his back yard, it would only make sense to utilize that PM for the project (aka use Mike Henson). The funny thing is that there is no way to know how the cards are going to fall, or if even Walton gets the job...who knows, but I can honestly say I'm not worried about it :) I just wish there was not so much political drama in work, and we as employees could just go out and do the best we can and maybe make a few new friends along the way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Unknown

Ok, so I typically do not feel anxiety. I'm not sure if it's because of athletics, or all the interviews I did in college for internships or jobs, or just the life experiences. But, this last month I have seen my share of uneasiness due to my employment situation.

I guess before, I never really worried about what was next. It was just me, and I have always had to look out for me. Not much help from family when it came to financial support, or guidance for my career. However, I now have a wonderful family, and the situation is a bit different. I not only have to think about my career path as far as continuing to advance, but I now have to think about how my job will affect my family...

Up until this past Saturday, I felt uncomfortable. I had rejected two job offers to travel to another location, both of which were not suitable situations for me or my family. Now, with the economic downturn directly affecting lending/spending for construction projects, I'm afraid the squeeze will definitely affect the job opportunities-in fact it already has.

So, it was not until this weekend that I felt a peace. Tara feels it was due to meeting some new friends, but I stayed up with a friend until 5:30am Friday night, discussing spirituality. I believe, that God has been talking to me for quite a while, and I have not been listening. Saturday, I met with a business partner and he introduced me to his family. The Native American community is small and everyone knows somebody, so I was elated to meet some individuals here in AR that share some common cultural ways. Anyway, I invited the family to come to our church, and one of the family members actually attended. Yes, I know it seems so simple, but for me, to actually see God working through me let me know I'm on my way. With all these small experiences, it reassured me that God will lead me and my family in the right direction.

Tara has been a good influence in getting me back into church. Though each day is a challenge for me to reconcile my cultural ways with my spiritual, I now know I have cracked my hard calloused exterior of myself, and I can start to progress forward. Look out Yowa (God), I want to make a difference.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Two (2309091780.09) Glorious Years

So, today was my second anniversary with my wifey, Tara Nicole Kerbo Posey Henson. I told her tonight that she was officially no longer considered a Kerbo. I figure, two years is enough time to rub off that family odor.

Tara and I spent a lovey 6 hours together (plus or minus an hour). The crazy part of the this story is that as soon as our family took Roman for the evening, we had no idea what to do with ourselves. We were lost, clueless of the possibilities. Really, the only compass we had at that moment was two things: Roman needed some new shoes, and we had dinner reservations at 6pm in downtown Hot Springs. So, our journey began, with those two goals at hand.

Needless to say, my amazingly beautiful, intelligent, whitty, honest, and slightly obsessive wife (Gunh Gey u ee TT) could not decide on a shoe for the Monsta. So, we moved on to downtown. After some wax figurine viewing (top notch I hear for the geographic locale), we made it to dinner a bit early.

It was amazing. She looked so beautiful, and we had an amazing dinner. Not much more I could ask for other than another pair of eyes with which to gaze upon her, or another stomach because I filled to capacity the other.